Opera - Single Key Shortcuts

Recently while surfing with Opera I found that you can operate tabs via the numeric keypad also.

Like 1 to switch for previous tab, 2 for next tab and so on. And it's snappy too.

I dug into Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts > Keyboard Shortcuts but could not find the shortcuts I was searching for.

Then I noticed this checkbox called Enable single key shortcuts and that was it.

So I went to help and found that there are more of such single key shortcuts.

I felt like I found an Easter Egg in Opera. Don't know if others know about this.

Complete list of Single Key Shortcuts for Opera can found @ 

Which other browser offers such single key shortcuts???

User CSS for Blogger [Opera]

Google always has the habit of ignoring support for other browsers and making the web user friendly.

Now it's the time for new design of Draft in Blogger.

As you can see here some things are not displayed correctly on Opera but displayed correctly on IE.

So, I created a User CSS to fix these problems on Opera - blogger.css

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