Infographic - Evolution of Web

Interesting infographic on the evolution of web technologies and the browsers.

Only Opera looks like it has gone so many changes in the interface.
And Chrome is the one which has gone from v1 to v13 in just 3 years and still looks the same.

And did HTML5 Canvas came in 2004!!!

Why is chrome OS listed separately?

Check the site here

Opera - Single Key Shortcuts

Recently while surfing with Opera I found that you can operate tabs via the numeric keypad also.

Like 1 to switch for previous tab, 2 for next tab and so on. And it's snappy too.

I dug into Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts > Keyboard Shortcuts but could not find the shortcuts I was searching for.

Then I noticed this checkbox called Enable single key shortcuts and that was it.

So I went to help and found that there are more of such single key shortcuts.

I felt like I found an Easter Egg in Opera. Don't know if others know about this.

Complete list of Single Key Shortcuts for Opera can found @

Which other browser offers such single key shortcuts???

User CSS for Blogger [Opera]

Google always has the habit of ignoring support for other browsers and making the web user friendly.

Now it's the time for new design of Draft in Blogger.

As you can see here some things are not displayed correctly on Opera but displayed correctly on IE.

So, I created a User CSS to fix these problems on Opera - blogger.css

About Me

User CSS for Google+

Userstyle CSS file to make Google+ more denser.

Changes to Google+ interface using this style:
- Top Nav bar, Google+ bar, left & right sidebar are floating [Fixed location]
- Google+ bar is shrunk
- Background color for sidebar same as Google+ bar
- Left sidebar: Hidden welcome note, removed profile image and link
- chat panel height is fixed with scrollbars
- Right sidebar: Removed suggestions
- Added bottom border to Top Nav bar to match the Opera menu

Link: google.user.css

This User CSS has been tested on Opera, Firefox, IE

Check User CSS > Using Opera's "Site Preferences" on How to install User CSS for site

Google+ after applying this style

[This userstyle is based on userstyle by corylulu]

Que: Does anyone know how to enable the notification bar for Google+ as Google does not support Opera
Tried changing the browser identification but does not work properly.

Connect me on About Me

Opera - Send (G)Mail from search bar

You can reach GMail compose window directly from Search bar or even address bar.

To do this, you will have to configure one Search Engine which will act as a redirector and show you the GMail compose window with the email address you used to use this search Engine.

Steps to create this:

- Click on Settings -> Preferences or press keys Ctrl + F12 to bring up the Preferences dialog box
- Switch to tab 'Search'
- Click on button 'Add' to add a new Search Engine
- Fill the values as below:
  > Add some name for Search Engine. I've named it as GMailTo
  > add a keyword to use it from Address bar
  > Add the Address as below

You can use it in 3 ways:
> Select the above search engine and type the email address in search box and hit enter/return key
> type the keyword, space, the email address in address bar and hit enter/return key
> If using a email from a web page, select the text, right click and select Search with (above) search provided

I hope you find this cool to use with Opera

~Taken from FF Addon (G)mailto:

Beauty of Opera

I'm amazed by the tiniest features of Opera which I fail to see in other major browsers.

Here I will showcase the beauty of the feature called "Server Name Completion". Using this feature you do not need to type the whole address for the site you want to visit.

If you type just the site name, it automatically checks for the prefixes and sufixes and take you to that site.

Like typing google/ will take you to (or your local google domain), so you are saved by typing "http://www." and ".com"

The Same can be achieved by using Ctrl + Enter, but this would only for site home pages only.

For sub-sites or sub-domains you can use this method.

Typing google/mail will take you to

More examples:

You can access the settings for this feature from Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Server Name Completion.

You may need to change the order of suffixes to suit your needs. By default whenever I install opera it shows as the first in order which I have to change it to .com as first as most of the sites I visit are .com sites.

Opera Help on this topic